

為了消磨休假日的無聊再加上曾經有位朋友提到過她吃過最美味的思康餅(scone) 是在英國,

激發了自己動手做思康餅的興趣, 就上網搜尋食譜,

另外ㄧ個原因是我老姐已經吃膩我做的apple tart 了,

因為我有研究的習慣, 同一種甜點會一做再做,

做不同的塔皮配方, 不同的蘋果, 看會做出來什麼味道,


都很賞光的, 哈~~

我後來也寄了些成品給ex同事 n 朋友品嚐..評價都不錯歐^^


since I moved to the new house, nothing to do when dayoff. I began to search new thing to do.

"No more apple tart, plzzzzzzzz", that's my big sister's reaction.

my hobby is to study one work over n over till I am satisfied with its "performance".

one more reason is that one of my friends ever mentioned her best memory on scone

which is from one time she visited British n had a high tea in a beautiful afternoon.

So I started to image I could do this MIRACLE SCONE she ever tasted.

so the following is my created recipe. u may try it n give me feedback^^


p.s. 歡迎訂購!! Welcome to place ur orders^^


my created recipe/ 我研發的配方如下:

yield 6-8 portion ( 70g/per one )

300g  Self-raising flour
80g    sugar  80g
5ml    salt
20ml  baking powder
150g  unsalted butter
40ml  milk
20ml  water
100g  grated chedder cheese
100g  baked walnut  

mix all ingredients n divide into 70g per one n brush milk and spray cater sugar
on the top

baking time: 20mins +20mins/ 5mins+5mins
baking temperature : 180c / 160c


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